Research, Assessment, and Accountability » California Science Test (CAST)

California Science Test (CAST)

The statewide California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System includes federally required science assessments in grade five and eight and once in high school (i.e., grade then, eleven, or twelve). Since the adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards of California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (CA NGSS) in 2013, the California Department of Education developed the California Science Test (CAST), which is aligned with these standards.
High school students will have only one opportunity to take a science test. (i.e., in grade ten, eleven, or twelve). Local educational agencies (LEAs) can elect to administer a science test to students in grade ten or eleven. Students in grade twelve, who have not yet taken a science test, will automatically be registered to test. Students repeating grade twelve are no eligible to test.
For more information please visit the CDE California Science Test Program Overview page.