Meal Service Options for Families During Spring Break ABCUSD will be closed for spring break from April 10 - April 17. There will be no meal service at that time. Please use the link for more information.
Planning for the 2020-2021 School Year The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way our students attended school this year, and it will change the way they attend school next year as well. The ABC Unified School District is considering many options for the upcoming school year, in compliance with guidance from the state and county public health and education officials.
Special message from Supt. Dr. Sieu about death of George Floyd Superintendent Dr. Mary Sieu's message to the ABCUSD community about the death of George Floyd, racial injustice, and equity.
Student Meals During School Closure The ABC Unified School District Nutrition Services Department will refine our meal “grab-and-go” program to ten sites.
Elementary Online Learning at Home Grading & Guidance Information ABCUSD has released new information about grading and guidance for students and parents for learning at home. This information is for our Elementary School students and their families.
Middle and High School Online Learning at Home Grading & Guidance Information This page contains information and links related to Online Learning Guidance for Secondary Schools and Grading Policies for Middle School, High School, and Tracy High School.