District Facilities Committee » Current Facilities Master Plan

Current Facilities Master Plan

Facilities Master Plan - ABC AD HOC Committee - Facilities

The ABC USD Board of Education commissioned the Ad Hoc Board Advisory Committee – Facilities to accomplish outlined objectives guided by the District’s Vision statement which included specific Duties and Responsibilities for the Committee. To carry out the duties and responsibilities, the committee held 18 committee meetings, organized and conducted 34 District site visitations, gathered input from every school site community, and held two Town Hall meetings where information was shared out, and input gathered from community members. The committee also recommended the Board hire an architectural consultant to assist in the organizational format of the final update to the Facilities Master Plan. During this entire process, the Committee presented progress updates at three different Board meetings.

The Committee received all site and community input unfiltered, and with the architectural consultant’s expert guidance, assimilated that input into guiding principles of Security, Technology, Evolution, Parity, and Sustainability  (STEPS), that will serve the District leadership for many years to come. The Committee’s final recommendations to the Board had evolved organically as a thoughtful and thorough process with healthy, intelligent, and passionate discussion. But, always with the common focus of doing what is best to serve all the students of ABC. The Committee recommendations are on page 8 & 9 of the Facilities Master Plan.

Committee Process


The final Committee recommendations are in the Facilities Master Plan, and evolved from the Committee process of reviewing district demographics, enrollment trends, geography, technology plan, and deferred maintenance history as well as deferred maintenance commitments. The Committee members created six sub-committees and the teams visited each site. The input received from the site visits was summarized on a report.  Through this process common themes revealed themselves. As you can imagine, the requests from the school sites were extensive and some were on a grand scale (physically and financially). The architectural consultant assimilated this raw data input and help organize it even further, and it was during this process that the guiding principles of STEPS was created. Further Community input and comments were gathered at two Town Hall meetings and that input was crossed referenced with the site visit input. Finally, the Committee evaluated the site visit and Town Hall input and created the basis for the recommendations to the Board of Education, which were designed to be efficient, clear, and brief.