Palms Elementary School

Message from the Principal
12445 E. 207th Street, Lakewood, CA 90715
Phone: 562-279-7900
Fax: 562-924-9439
Welcome to the 2019-20 school year! We are proud that we are a PBIS Gold School. We look forward to another exciting year for our students, staff, and community. Palms Accelerated Learning Academy is committed to offering a well-rounded and rigorous education in a safe and supportive environment where our students will excel and achieve success!
As the Accelerated Learning Magnet school in ABC, our mission is to prepare ALL of our students for middle school, high school and beyond and to create a college and career ready culture at Palms. All classrooms participate in our “Adopt-a-College” campaign where college pendants and posters decorate our walls, and students wear their college t-shirts. Our hope is to inspire every one of our students that their path to college starts here! Palms is the first school wide AVID Elementary school in the ABC Unified School District. AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a college readiness system that prepares students for their academic future. Students learn through WICOR strategies (Writing to learn, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, Reading to Learn) for academic success. Instructional technology is also a major component of our magnet program. All students attend our Technology/Media Lab and the Accelerated Learning Lab each week. Students create a variety of digital media projects using iPads and computers. We also have all Kindergarten through 6th grade classrooms participating in the 1:1 mobile device program. These students have access to an iPad or Chromebook in their classroom EVERY DAY!
Not only do we want to focus on student achievement, we want Palms’ students to be excellent in character. We expect students to follow our “3-BE’s”: Be Safe, Be Respectful and Be Responsible. We are a PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports) Gold School. The PBIS framework has helped to refine our school-wide behavior plan and transform our school climate into one that is positive and safe for all students. Palms is also a PeaceBuilder school; our students learn how to build peace at home, at school, and in their community. All students recite the Palms Pledge at our weekly Spirit Assemblies where we celebrate our Puma pride. “Today has been given to be fresh and new. I can learn from it or throw it away. I will choose to do my best in thoughts, words and actions. Today I will be a STAR! I will stop, think and act safely, respectfully and responsibly.”
In addition, we recognize the vital role that our partnerships with parents and the community play in helping Palms be a successful school. Not only do we want our students to learn, we also want to provide our parents with learning opportunities. We will continue to have the Palms Parent University this year. This is a series of workshops and Family Nights for parents. Topics include: AVID Elementary, Common Core standards, Discipline/Positive Behavior, Technology, Literacy and Health/Fitness. Palms has an extremely supportive PTA that sponsors various field trips, assemblies, family and movie nights, special activities like our annual Red Ribbon Week, Kwanzaa Assembly, Chinese New Year Celebration and Jog-A-Thon as well as classroom materials. We encourage all our parents to be involved with the PTA!
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