Parent Resources » California Healthy Kids Surveys for Students

California Healthy Kids Surveys for Students

The California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS)  is a comprehensive student data collection system that addresses school climate, health risks and behaviors, and youth resiliency. It will be administered to 6th, 7th, 9th, and 11th-grade students in February 2024. Parent/Guardian consent will be sent in January 2024.


It enables our district to collect and analyze data regarding local youth health risks and behaviors, school connectedness, school climate, protective factors, and school violence.

The CHKS is part of a comprehensive data-driven decision-making process to help us improve school climate and student learning environments and it is aligned with the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) requirements.
Sixth-grade students need “active” parent consent: Parent or Guardian must opt-in. Seventh, ninth, and eleventh-grade students need “passive” parent consent: Students may participate unless parents/guardians notify the school they wish to opt-out.

The CHKS Elementary Core Survey assesses student attitudes, behaviors, and experiences related to school, academic and social-emotional learning, positive development, overall health and well-being. It contains many of the same or similar items as the middle school version so that cross-survey comparisons can be made. The wording is simpler and developmentally appropriate.



23-24 CHKS Elementary Core Survey  (English)


23-24 CHKS Elementary Core Survey Questions (Español)


The CHKS Secondary Core Module (Middle and High School) assesses school climate and safety, pupil engagement, student supports, bullying, and substance abuse.  Demographic questions help identify the needs of key subgroups including racial/ethnic groups, foster youth, economically disadvantaged, and English language learners.



23-24 CHKS Middle School Core Survey   (English)

23-24 CHKS Middle School Core Survey  (Español)

23-24 CHKS High School Core Survey (English)

23-24 CHKS High School Core Survey (Español)

More information about the CHKS is found in this link: California Department of Education Website.


Should you have any questions about our District's administration, please contact your child's school or  Dr. Mayra Lozano, Director of School Services at (562) 926-5566 Ext. 21120.