ABC "E" Plans » Online Emergency Drill Certification

Online Emergency Drill Certification

Dear Community,
The ABC Unified School District prioritizes the safety of their staff and students.  For this reason, school sites perform emergency drills during the school year (July - June).  The drills listed below, are certified by the school principal once they have been completed. Please contact the school principal at your school if you have any questions. 


  Fire Drill  Earthquake Drill Lock down Drill and Active Shooter Drill
Elementary School Monthly Quarterly Quarterly
Middle School Quarterly Twice Annually Quarterly
High School Twice Annually Twice Annually Quarterly
Aloha ES Juarez ES Carmenita MS Artesia HS
Bragg ES Kennedy ES Fedde MS Cerritos HS
Burbank ES Leal ES Haskell MS Gahr HS
Carver ES Melbourne ES Ross MS Tracy HS
Cerritos ES Niemes ES Tetzlaff MS Whitney HS
Elliott ES Nixon ES   ATP BRIDGES
Furgeson ES Palms ES    
Gonsalves ES Stowers ES    
Hawaiian ES Willow ES    
  Wittmann ES    



Artesia Children’s Center
Tracy Infant Center 
Adult School - Cuesta
Adult School - Cabrillo Lane