ABC "E" Plans » Mental Health & Wellness Resources

Mental Health & Wellness Resources

Equally important to campus and personnel safety resources are mental health and wellness resources. ABCUSD's School Services and Safe and Supportive Schools Departments provide social emotional and behavioral health supports for students at the elementary and secondary levels. The Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework integrates academic and behavioral interventions to improve outcomes for students and schools. MTSS model uses instruction, assessment, and decision making to provide universal interventions for all students and targeted services for those in need of additional support.  These resources are provided by District-wide support staff:
  • School Psychologists: conduct psycho-educational evaluations for special education services and also crisis intervention support, counseling services and consultation to staff and parents
  • School Social Workers and Mental Health Professionals at every school site: Masters’ Level practitioners provide universal and targeted social emotional and behavioral interventions to individuals and groups of students using evidence-based and evidence-informed practices
  • Counseling Interns and Masters of Social Work (MSW/PPSC) interns: provide universal and targeted socio-emotional support interventions under supervision of licensed and/or credentialed mental health professionals
  • Primary Intervention Program Coaches: provide skillstreaming lessons at 15 elementary school sites on prosocial skills and classroom success skills that support Common Core Standards in academic areas. PIP coaches serve under supervision of licensed and/or credentialed mental health professionals
  • Wellness Coordinator/Technicians: provide universal and targeted socio-emotional supports under supervision of licensed and/or credentialed mental health professionals
  • Community Resource Team (CRT): Partnership with local agencies and organizations to provide specialized targeted services to students and families in need of additional resources and supports.

Student and Parent Support


While ABCUSD has plans in place that are regularly practiced, please know that school safety is not something we can do alone. The partnership and support we have with local law enforcement and our school community is critical. We ask for your support in reminding students to please take all drills seriously, follow law enforcement, teacher and site administrator instructions, and if they see something, say something - it is the best deterrent to potentially harmful situations. We want everyone on our campus, including parents and guardians to be empowered to report any unusual or suspicious activity.

  • In the case of an emergency at our schools, we ask that you please remember to look for information from our District. We deliver messages through email, voicemail, text messages, District and school websites and social media.
  • Please ensure that your child’s school has your most current contact information on file – email and phone are crucial.
  • By working together we can provide students a safe and healthy learning environment where they can focus and thrive.

Additional District and community resources:

  • Resources include crisis intervention and response teams, outreach and campus-wide mental health initiatives, universal prevention and intervention services such as Playworks, Peacebuilders, Youth Mental Health First Aid and Building Bridges. Additional resources include Foster and At-Risk Student (McKinney-Vento) Achievement Programs, The Wesley Health Center, Melbourne Elementary School Parent and Community Center and Fedde Community Resource Center. 

Helping children cope with grief or violence with grief



Positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS)


PBIS systems are implemented on all ABCUSD campuses and establish student expectations for the learning and teaching environment, social culture and campus norms.

  • PBIS supports academic success and develops a strong school culture in which students learn early-on what is expected behavior.  This has proven critical in supporting students and helping them feel comfortable reporting behavior or concerns that are not in line with their school’s culture.  In other words, it supports “if you see something, say something,” helping to make our campuses and students safer.   
  • PBIS has also helped ABCUSD reduce and respond to bullying through proactive measures.  For comprehensive information about bullying, cyberbullying, and ABCUSD actions.