PASA - Prep Academy for SAT & ACT
The purpose of PASA (Prep Academy for SAT/ACT) program is to assist students in preparing for college required entrance exams and applications for our English learners, low socio-economically disadvantaged, and foster youth. Our goal is to increase college enrollment for our participating students. Over 400 students are identified for the program each year.
The PASA program will provide instruction by certified instructors for college required entrance exams utilizing materials and staff from Tutor Zone.
The program consists of 12 hours of SAT/ACT prep sessions and 9 hours of college prep. All participants are ABC 11th-grade students who are on track to meet the A-G college requirements and are applying to a four-year college program from across the District.
For each school host, the participant's class size will be kept to a maximum of 25 students for over six weeks with a goal of participants taking an SAT or ACT exam.