Health Services » State Mandated Screenings

State Mandated Screenings

Mandated Vision Services

  1. Given to all students in grades K, 2, 5, and 8th
  2. Purpose
    1. To detect possible poor near or distant vision

    2. To detect possible astigmatism, lazy eye, or muscle imbalance
    3. To detect any visual factors which may impair learning
  3. Color Vision Testing 
  1. Given to all first grade boys
  2. Purpose 
    1. To detect the genetic condition of red/green or total color vision deficiency

Mandated Hearing Service:

  1. Given to all students in grades K, 2, 5, 8, and 10
  2. Purpose
    1. To detect any temporary or permanent hearing loss which may impair learning and safety

Non-mandated Dental Services:


  1. Given to all students in all grades when applicable. 
  2. Purpose
    1. To detect any dental health concerns.