Willow Elementary
Willow Elementary continues to flourish and grow and become a place where ALL students learn, achieve success, and are Willow WISE - “We’re Inspired to Succeed Every day”! Our mission is to provide students with a safe, positive, and welcoming learning environment that focuses on rigorous academics, social-emotional wellness, and personal leadership. Our vision is for Willow students to embrace a growth mindset and become innovative thinkers, clear communicators and collaborators, 21st-century leaders, and lifelong learners so that they are college and career ready AND college and career-bound! As an AVID Elementary school, our instructional framework centers on WICOR strategies: Writing to Learn, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading to Learn so that students are prepared for success in their elementary, middle, and high school years. Our hope is that students will be able to see college as a viable option for their future. We had the honor of being able to serve as an AVID Showcase school and have been named a Top LA County Public School by Innovate Schools for closing the opportunity gap for Latino students in ELA.

*Willow students are college bound and prepare to be future ready!
Willow continues to provide 21st-century learning experiences for all students, grades TK-6th, especially as we are now learning in a virtual environment. We are proud to offer all students 1:1 access to Google Chromebooks. The 1:1 mobile device program allows our students to engage in the 4 C’s as they collaborate and communicate ideas with their peers and utilize their critical thinking skills and creativity. Technology is an instructional tool that allows teachers to make learning meaningful, engaging, and innovative! The Willow staff continues to strive to use technology in ways that allow for more effective communication with our parents, families, and community.

*Students working on their 1:1 Chromebooks and using the Dash & Dot robots in the STEAM Lab!
Willow prides itself on being a safe, positive, and welcoming school. We continue to implement our school-wide PBIS framework (Positive Behaviors Interventions and Supports) to ensure that all students learn and do well academically, behaviorally, and social-emotionally. In order to achieve this goal, we have established school-wide behavioral expectations called the “PAWS” – Practice safety, Accept responsibility, Work hard, Show respect. Parent and community partnerships are also vital to help in Willow’s growth and success. We provide Parent University workshops for parents and host Family Nights each trimester. We also engage with the local community and enlist their support for our school-wide activities.

*Students working in the Mindfulness Garden and spending their PAWBUCKS at the
principal’s PAWBUCKS store each month!