ES Schools Spotlight » Wittmann Elementary School

Wittmann Elementary School

A diamond is the most precious gemstone on Earth. But, it takes a lot of work to make a diamond sparkle. When a student enters Wittmann Elementary, he or she is a diamond in the rough. With our multi-faceted “Enter to Learn, Leave to Achieve” program, students are offered a multitude of programs to support their success, allowing them to sparkle brilliantly when they Wittmann Blue Ribbonmove on. During this turbulent time, Helen Wittmann Elementary School has strived and pushed our students to excellence. Wittmann continues to be a place where students gain an outstanding “world-Wittmann Distinguished Schoolclass” education. With an outstanding veteran teaching staff and strong community support, Wittmann was recognized as a California Pivotal Practice/Distinguished School in 2022-2023, a Gold Ribbon School in 2016, received the CA Civic Learning Award in 2017 & 2018 and continues to be rated as one of the best schools in California. Just this past year Wittmann was again recognized as a “Scholar School” by the Campaign for Business and Educational Excellence (CBEE). In 2022, Wittmann was recognized with the nation's highest educational honor and was awarded a National Blue Ribbon by the U.S. Dept. of Education. Wittmann has maintained a strong enrichment/career pathway program to keep students engaged. Programs such as Wittmann Diwali PerformanceWittmann Robotics StudentsBeginning and Advanced Bands, Art, STEM/Robotics Rotations, and integrated classroom technology keep students connected. In addition to our enrichment during school hours, we have also incorporated after-school career pathway clubs and activities including, but not limited to: Robotics, Ecology, Medicine, Coding, 3D Design, and Math Olympiad Team (MOT). Every student at Wittmann is engaged in a multitude of activities that keep them stimulated and motivated to attend school. Wittmann is a special place where all staff, parents, and students are incorporated into our learning community. Ethnic demographic academic achievement is a high priority but at Wittmann, our focus is to create "well-rounded" students who are intelligent, adaptable, and thoughtful of others. Our school-wide PBIS program promotes peaceful interactions among staff and students. Our staff members use a system of Praise Notes rewards and classroom lessons with our Mental Health We Are WittmannProfessional (MHP) to reinforce and encourage positive student behavior. Our Pivotal Practice Program “Enter to Learn, Leave to Achieve” provides engagement opportunities for every child within our community. 

Wittmann’s goal is to produce a well-rounded student, who is a productive and responsible citizen within the classroom and beyond. The needs of all students are addressed through classroom instruction, academic support, enrichment opportunities, and an extended learning community. Wittmann has consistently maintained strong academic performance and family engagement, outperforming the District and State in all categories. To meet the needs of our diverse group of students, Wittmann staff are committed to focusing on engagement within the learning community. Teachers use learning tools and pedagogy to engage their students and parents such as Google Wittmann Structure ChartClassroom. In addition to classroom support, there are also a variety of enrichment programs (e.g. Robotics, STEM, Medicine, Art, Music, etc.) to fit students' evolving interests. Hard work and an unwavering commitment to excellence resulted in Wittmann being recognized as one of the best schools in the nation.